

Lubos is the best coach I could wish for as an athlete. He is one of the few people who can find the perfect balance between family life and life as a professional athlete. He has not only helped me grow as an athlete but also as a person, making me much stronger in life overall.

Pieter Heemeryck

Lubos is a Coach I can hundert percent trust in. Success is made of many pieces, he knows how to put them together to be competitive and healthy on a start line. His enormous victories in the past didn’t come by chance.

Maurice Clavel

Lubos does not follow a dogma, every athlete is looked through an individual angle. I am close to 50 now and i still get faster thanks to his training methods. Next to our trainer/student relationship, I consider him like a brother. Together, we continue to write new chapters in our triathlon journey.

Olivier Godart

When he starts talking, I could listen to him for hours. His wealth of experience is tremendously large, and I can benefit greatly from it. And whenever I have a problem, Lubos always has time for me.

Martin Salm

Lubos lays great importance on having time for the family as well as the job when writing training plans. He has excellent understanding of me as an athlete and responds very quickly whenever I have any queries.

Klaus Findt

Agegroup Achievements


slots for Triathlon World Championships (Hawaii, Nice)


slots for 70.3 World Championships (ironman + challenge family Samorin)


Finished Ironmans

  • Eva and Klaus

    Eva and Klaus

    In 2018, for my 50th birthday, my husband and I had a crazy idea – to complete the Ironman Klagenfurt 2020 together, without ever having trained for a triathlon before. Very soon, we realized, especially orthopedically, that it was a tough nut to crack. We were close to giving up. Then, two years ago, through…

  • Henning von Poser

    Henning von Poser

    Why is it that I am working with LuBOSS as a coach for 9 years and why is he a top coach? 1)Understanding the sport (not only triathlon) and knows what is important 2) Eagerness to learn 3) Sharing knowledge 4) Motivational skills 5) Knowing his athletes 6) He communicates directly, clearly and setting goals…

  • Klaus Findt

    Klaus Findt

    I have been doing triathlons with growing enthusiasm since 1995. I first met Lubos in spring 2019 at a training camp on Mallorca. Following a long and interesting conversation I decided that with his great experience and scientific background he would be the right man to improve my training. Lubos lays great importance on having…

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